'Twas the night before Endgame and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, 'cept me (I drugged my spouse*g*);
The car keys were NOT on the peg by the door,
The hubby had hidden them the night before;
Other Highlander fans were sneaking out of their beds,
With visions of MacLeods dancing in their heads;
With purse under arm and sister in tow,
We grabbed our *thunk* pads and were ready to go;
When out in the driveway there arose such a clatter,
It was only the cat, *WHEW*, no matter;
Away to the theater we ran like a flash,
Two obsessive compulsive idiots with cash;
The parking lot floodlights made it seem as if day,
We shouted in glee, we had gotten away!
When, what to our horrified eyes should we see,
Other Highlander fans who got there before we!
There were rumors of a kimmie not easy to fell,
We knew in a swordstroke it had to be Kell;
The most evil of kimmies in Highlander fame,
We all jeered and laughed and called them by name;
Not Kronos, not Kurgan, not Katana, not Kane,
Don't compare him to them, for they are all lame!
To the end of the line, to the back of the crowd,
We thought we were early, for crying out loud!
We settled down on the pavement to wait until morning,
When security arrived without any warning;
And then very loudly we heard a bullhorn,
"Ya'll gotsta go home and come back in the morn!"
We all threw on our chains, we were here to stay,
No theater management could drag us away!
The crowd gave a yell, a resounding "BOO",
Short of calling the cops, there was naught they could do;
They badgered and bullied, but to no avail,
We weren't going anywhere, this was our Holy Grail!
They left one by one when we wouldn't fall for their tricks,
Finally realizing this crowd just needed a Highlander fix!
The night was passed sharing frus and fanfiction,
We all agreed Highlander was an addiction!
The theater doors opened promptly at eight,
We all fidgeted and squirmed, not much longer to wait.
We reached into our pockets and readied our cash,
We were going to see THE movie at last.
We entered the theatre and sat in our seats,
with our drool buckets wedged down between our feets.
With whispers and nods we all settled into see,
Our highlander hunks: CL, PW and AP.
The theatre went dark, the projector started to run,
Now on to the movie: "There can be only one."
(or two, or three....)